web WEBINAR 19 june (900 x 640 px)

Webinar Unlocking Proactive Maintenance with Predictive AI Solutions

DATE 19 June 2024
THEME Predictive AI

Join us for the upcoming free webinar “Unlocking Proactive Maintenance with Predictive AI Solutions” by Symphony AI, on 19 June 2024 at 11 AM CEST.

In industries where uptime and reliability are paramount, this webinar will explore how to become more proactive with maintenance using predictive AI models to significantly reduce unplanned downtime events and increase the efficiency of maintenance and reliability teams.

This webinar is designed for maintenance and reliability teams looking to take a more predictive, data-driven approach to managing assets and equipment. You will see how integrating AI models can prevent unplanned stoppages and enhance manufacturing efficiency.

Whether you are at the early stage of adopting asset performance management (APM) or seeking to extend your APM strategy to address more failure modes, this session will cover the journey of achieving unmatched asset performance, real-time health monitoring, and reliable operations.

Join us to discover how our offerings can bridge the gap in your asset management journey, replacing time-consuming manual tasks with streamlined, AI-powered solutions that can predict failures and provide recommendations to take action.


Speaker: Vaibhav Nadkarni

As Senior Product Manager at SymphonyAI Industrial, Vaibhav has over 5 years’ experience of application of predictive and generative AI in manufacturing industry to significantly reduce unplanned downtime events and increase the efficiency of maintenance and reliability teams. Vaibhav is currently leading development of Plant Insights product that help Users to create persona driven dashboards to monitor their KPIs in real-time and to generate automatic AI insights to take data driven decisions. Prior to SymphonyAI, Vaibhav has spent over 15 years in Power generation industry leading Combustion system design team at GE Power to develop advanced low NOx combustion technology for Gas Turbines.”